Posted by: elfcroft | May 31, 2011

Wyland and Lassen

This morning I spotted the mural Wyland painted on a building in the near north side of Indianapolis in 1997.  The mural is due east of the main library.  The purpose of Wyland’s project was to raise awareness of the ecology of ocean life.  He painted over 80 murals in various metropolitan locations.

Wyland mural Indianapolis

Wyland orcas

Wyland 1997

Orcas are not native to Maui.  Humpback whales migrate to Maui for winter months.  Much of Wyland’s work features Hawaiian ocean life.

Wyland is one of the two most internationally known Maui artists.  The second is Christian Lassen.  Both have galleries on island.  They are amazing.  Check them out in person or on the web.  www.  or


  1. Wyland has a mural painted on the side of a parking garage in downtown Norfolk. It has been there for as long as I can remember, probably late 80s.

    • Do you have a photo of it? Try adding it to this post. 🙂 EF

  2. I’ll try to get a photo next time I’m downtown…which isn’t often.

  3. Image of Wyland’s Whaling Wall #047 ‘Humpbacks off the Virginia Coast’ Dominion Towers 999 Waterside Drive Norfolk, Virginia 280 Feet Long x 80 Feet High Dedicated August 23, 1993 By Mayor Mason Andrews Dedicated to Jacques Cousteau

    Check out this site:

    I can’t copy and paste the picture.

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